Ectropion Surgery at The Clinic Holland Park, West London.
Ectropion [ek-troh-pee-uhn] can happen in one or both eyes, and can be an uncomfortable condition, where the lower eyelid droops down and turns away from the eye.
This exposes the surface of the inner eyelid and makes it prone to infection; the drooping eyelid can become sore, red and infected; or the eye might water excessively or feel gritty and dry.
Lower Eyelid surgery
Surgery to correct ectropion can be performed under local anaesthetic at The Clinic Holland Park, West London, and takes approximately 45 minutes per eye.
After ectropion surgery, a protective pad will be placed on your eye, which needs to stay in place for the rest of the day. You will also be given a course of antibiotic drops to apply to the area to reduce inflammation and help prevent any infection.
A follow-up appointment to review your results and recovery usually takes place within 2 weeks.
Treatments from £2250
Initial consultation from £225
Follow up from £195
Ectropion Surgery West London
All surgical procedures requiring local anaesthetic can be performed on-site at The Clinic Holland Park, West London, in our purpose-built, state-of-the-art theatres.
We have two state-of-the-art operating theatres installed on our lower-ground floor; and to afford our clients ultimate comfort and discretion, there are private ‘recovery pods’ adjacent to the surgical theatres, overseen by our nurse practitioners.
Here in the recovery pods, clients can take an hour to ‘get themselves together’ after surgery – there’s no rush, and private washroom facilities are close by. If you need transport to get you home, The Clinic offers a concierge chauffeur service to take you wherever you need to go. We intend to make your whole experience at The Clinic as excellent as possible.