Sciton Erbium Laser

Tuneable Laser Rejuvenation

As we age, our skin loses its even colour, smooth texture, and elasticity. Fortunately, advancements in cosmetic laser technology enable us to restore a more luminous complexion. Erbium laser resurfacing is an excellent option for those who want to eliminate fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, and acne scars with minimal discomfort and little-to-no downtime.

Erbium Laser Resurfacing is a non-surgical method of skin tightening that uses light energy to instantly remove the top layers of the skin. The depth of skin removed can be altered according to the patient’s requirements and available ‘downtime’. At The Clinic Holland Park, West London, we offer a comprehensive range of Sciton® laser facial rejuvenation treatments to refresh the skin and help achieve a more youthful look: Moxi®, BBL®, HALO®, and Erbium lasers.

The technology behind the Sciton® Erbium Laser allows us to customise every procedure, and tailor treatments according to the nature of the issues you want to correct and the outcomes you are looking for. We use Sciton® Erbium Laser for the treatment of:

  • facial lines and wrinkles – mild to deep
  • ‘barcode’ lip lines
  • blemishes and pigmentation – particularly brown marks on the face, neck or hands
  • skin texture, tone and elasticity
  • sun damage
  • facial redness and birthmarks
  • acne scars and scarring
  • removal of skin lesions – skin tags, moles, warts etc.

Our experts Richard Scawn and Jennifer Doyle are both Sciton® Key Opinion Leaders, making us a premier destination in West London for these results-driven skin treatments.

The Erbium Laser offers three different depths of laser peel

  1. NanoLaserPeel‘Microdermabrasion’– also known as ‘the modern lunchtime peel’ – this is a superficial-depth treatment; but our tuneable laser allows us to be very precise in the depth of peel we achieve. It is a quick and comfortable laser procedure with little downtime, used for improving the overall appearance of your skin, and customised to your specific skin conditions and desired outcome. At its shallowest setting a NanoLaserPeel treatment can be tolerated by most people with no anaesthetic at all. At its deeper settings a topical numbing cream is typically used.
  2. MicroLaserPeels– also called ‘the weekend peel’ – this is a medium-depth treatment, which typically gives the skin a much healthier glow and improvement in the texture and complexion. Unlike the NanoLaser Peel, the MicroLaser Peels can also improve fine lines and wrinkles – especially with repeated use. A topical anaesthetic is usually required; and most skin areas can be treated. Popular treatment areas are the face and neck, although the chest and hands can also be treated.
  3. Deeper Erbium Laser peel– This type of peel gives the most dramatic results. It can result in striking improvements, even in deep wrinkles. It also results in significant tightening of the skin and will generally make the skin appear 5-10 years younger. At The Clinic Holland Park, West London, we sedate our clients in order to perform this peel safely and comfortably without a general anaesthetic.

What makes the Sciton® Erbium Laser so special compared to CO2 lasers?

The Sciton® Erbium Laser is a fractionated laser.  The key difference between fractionated laser treatments and the more traditional ablative methods (such as CO2 lasers) is that fractionated lasers do not take off the entire outer layer of the skin at once. CO2 lasers treat the total surface of the skin; by contrast, fractionated lasers use a very narrow column of targeted light to pinpoint areas deep in the skin. The fractionated laser penetrates just deep enough (hence ‘fraction’) to stimulate significant collagen regeneration, while the surrounding unaffected areas help speed up recovery. Healing time, downtime, redness, and pain during the procedure are much reduced with fractionated lasers like Sciton®’s Erbium laser, compared to CO2 and other ablative lasers.

Furthermore, Erbium can be used on any part of the body — not just the face. By contrast, CO2 lasers can only be used on the face. Fractionated lasers like Erbium can treat delicate skin on the neck, chest and hands – in fact, any part of the body. In addition, Erbium will not cause the lightening of the skin that CO2 lasers can cause. A significant downside with CO2 laser treatments is that they leave a ‘line of demarcation’ or a sharp border where the treated skin is much lighter than the untreated skin. This does not happen with Sciton®’s Erbium laser.

So, in a nutshell: why choose Erbium Laser Resurfacing over CO2 Laser Resurfacing?

With CO2 laser resurfacing, there is more pain during the procedure; recovery is up to 21 days; redness can last up to 4 months after treatment; and there is a visible border left on the skin where the treated area ended.  With Erbium lasers, there is less pain during procedure; recovery is 4-7 days; redness fades within 1 week; and treated areas blend smoothly with untreated areas because there is no skin-lightening. Erbium resurfacing lasers provide excellent results in a fraction of the time compared to CO2 laser resurfacing.

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Because Erbium is a fractionated laser, the skin does not get damaged as a result. The procedure is FDA-approved as a safe and effective method of rejuvenating the skin. Furthermore, all aesthetic procedures at The Clinic Holland Park are carried out by trained and experienced surgeons.

After a topical anaesthetic has been applied to the treatment area and then taken effect, your skin will be cleaned and your eyes protected with safety shields. A laser handpiece will be positioned gently on the skin. When the laser energy is applied, you will hear a rapid succession of snapping sounds. The handpiece will be moved around quickly until the entire treatment area has been covered. The procedure normally takes between 30 minutes to an hour.

Sciton® Erbium Laser Therapy is widely regarded as a comfortable procedure, usually tolerated with the use of a topical numbing cream or a local anaesthetic, depending on the depth of treatment. The comfort level will depend on the patient and the depth of the treatment itself; generally, most people will find the treatment more uncomfortable than painful.

Following treatment, your body will grow a new, healthy layer of skin to replace the old, damaged one. Treatments vary: they can be shallow—suitable for removing fine lines, sunspots, and tired-looking skin. Or your laser treatment may be deep—frequently used to improve skin tone and texture and get rid of deep wrinkles, such as upper lip lines and crow’s feet. Sometimes, a combination of both superficial and deep treatment is required.

Immediately following the procedure, you may experience redness and a sensation resembling sunburn. We advise that you recuperate in one of our recovery pods if you have the time. Our aesthetic doctor will advise you on specific aftercare treatment, which may include analgesics and application of an ointment or cream to keep the skin moist.

You will be given medicine, skincare products, and instructions on how to use them before you leave The Clinic. Your skin will be sensitive to ultra-violet light after the procedure, so you must avoid direct sun exposure until fully healed. During your healing time, it’s important to keep the skin clean and moisturised and avoid sources of heat, such as saunas or hot showers. Going forwards, it is recommended that you always use a high-level SPF to avoid sun damage and premature ageing of your skin.

This will depend on how deep your wrinkles were prior to treatment. Deeper wrinkles will require a deeper depth of treatment and be associated with a longer recovery period. Typically, complete healing occurs within a few days and most patients usually feel comfortable enough to get back to work and apply makeup a day or two after the treatment. There will likely be some swelling that will subside within several days following the treatment.

As your skin heals in the days following your treatment, you may notice a general tightening effect. However, the true benefits of Sciton® Erbium Laser Resurfacing is the collagen remodelling that occurs during the 4 to 6 months following your treatment.

In general, 1 to 3 treatments may be recommended to achieve the best results; with treatments spaced several weeks apart to allow the skin to heal and for new skin to regenerate. However, excellent results can be obtained in just 1 treatment – it varies from person to person. We can personalise a plan based on your specific needs and may choose to combine Sciton® Erbium Laser resurfacing with other aesthetic procedures to optimise your results.

Immediately following the treatment, the skin may look a little red and swollen. This is a temporary effect which will settle within hours. During your pre-treatment consultation all effects and risks will be explained.

Some of the side effects and complications that may occur after aggressive or high-level treatments include:

  • Excessive scaling or peeling and some crusting
  • Swelling for up to one week after treatment – this can be helped by applying an ice pack at 10-minute intervals for the first 24 hours after the procedure
  • Lightening or darkening of the skin – this is more common in patients of darker skin types. It is almost always temporary but can be permanent.

Individuals with active skin infections, cold sores, or a history of keloid scars may not be good candidates for the procedure.


  • Scar Revision per session from £495
  • Scar Revision. Package of up to 5 sessions as required £2000
  • Lesion Removal (for multiple, add £150 per lesion) from £495
  • Deep Resurfacing from £4000

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