(‘eyelift’ for upper and/or lower eyelids)
Blepharoplasty [blef-uh-roe-plar-stee] in London is The Clinic Holland Park’s signature plastic surgery procedure: to open up and rejuvenate the eyes, and tailored to balance your natural profile with your ethnicity.
Blepharoplasty surgery can take as little as 1 hour, with just 1 week of downtime, and the effect will be natural: all incisions are closed up with self-dissolving sutures; any tiny scars will be hidden in the new eyelid crease.
Eyelid Surgery in London
The eyes are often the first facial area to show ageing. Blepharoplasty surgery at The Clinic Holland Park, West London, is designed to create or restore a smooth eyelid crease, which is usually lost with time. The procedure is performed by one of our highly skilled eye surgeons in London: Jenny Doyle, Aoife Naughton or Richard Scawn.
An upper blepharoplasty treats drooping, heavy or fatty eyelids to ‘open up’ the eye area; a lower blepharoplasty tackles under-eye bags for a more youthful effect. You can have either or both, as required: treatment is aimed at those who have noticed excessive or sagging skin in their upper-eyelid area and/or lower-eyelid ageing (such as eyebags or fat pads), which have led to a tired or prematurely aged appearance.
We have a stellar team of oculoplastic surgeons in London at The Clinic Holland Park, led by Clinic founder Richard Scawn MBBS, BSc, FRCOphth. As one of the UK’s most experienced and highly regarded oculoplastic surgeons, Mr Scawn has performed thousands of eyelift reshaping treatments and has honed his craft to make the process minimally invasive, with a rapid recovery timeframe. Jenny Doyle BMBCH MA (Oxon) L7Cert FRCOphth and Aoife Naughton MB BCHBAO MRCSI (Ophth) FRCOphth FEBO are both highly experienced and talented oculoplastic surgeons too. Ms Doyle is a KOL for Sciton® lasers, Ameela® polynucleotides, and Sofwave™ non-surgical facelifts; while Ms Naughton won the award for ‘Best Surgery’ video at the Inaugural World Society of Ophthalmic Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery Conference, Dubai 2023.
Before & After Blepharoplasty Surgery in London
The Blepharoplasty Surgery Healing Process
An upper blepharoplasty only takes an hour and can be done under local anaesthetic in one of our purpose-built operating theatres at The Clinic Holland Park, West London. You will be able to recuperate in one of our discreet post-op recovery pods, before your final dressing checks and a clinic-concierge service to chauffeur you home.
Downtime for upper blepharoplasties is approximately 1 week, after which there will be minimal bruising and you can resume wearing makeup and your normal activities.
After eye surgery in London, you will be given an antibiotic ointment to treat the area for the following week; and be advised to apply a cold compress to the area every few hours to help lessen post-operative swelling and bruising. A follow-up appointment with your surgeon to review your results and recovery takes place around 14 days after blepharoplasty surgery at The Clinic Holland Park, West London.
Lower blepharoplasties, as well as combined upper and lower blepharoplasties, are usually performed under general anaesthetic or intravenous sedation, at St John’s & St Elizabeth’s Hospital, London NW8 9NH. A lower blepharoplasty will take 2 hours; a combined procedure 2.5 hours.
The recovery period for both lower blepharoplasties and combination procedures is usually 2 weeks, after which there will be minimal bruising and you can resume wearing makeup and your normal activities.
After eye surgery in London, you will be given an antibiotic ointment to treat the area for the following two weeks; and be advised to apply a cold compress to the area every few hours to help lessen post-operative swelling and bruising. A follow-up appointment with your surgeon to review your results and recovery takes place around 14 days after surgery at The Clinic Holland Park, West London.
Book Consultation
Upper Blepharoplasty £3,995
Lower Blepharoplasty from £6,495
Combined from £9,895
Initial consultation from £225
Follow up from £195
Blepharoplasty West London
All surgical procedures requiring local anaesthetic can be performed on-site at The Clinic Holland Park, West London, in our purpose-built, state-of-the-art theatres.
We have two state-of-the-art operating theatres installed on our lower-ground floor; and to afford our clients ultimate comfort and discretion, there are private ‘recovery pods’ adjacent to the surgical theatres, overseen by our nurse practitioners.
Here in the recovery pods, clients can take an hour to ‘get themselves together’ after surgery – there’s no rush, and private washroom facilities are close by. If you need transport to get you home, The Clinic offers a concierge chauffeur service to take you wherever you need to go. We intend to make your whole experience at The Clinic as excellent as possible.